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ASSIGNMENT 1: Art Reflection

Watch the Powerpoint Presentation: "IS IT ART?"

In your sketchbook, sketch 10 of the slides that made an impression on you. Quick sketch, no more than 5 minutes, just enough to get a rough idea of what the image is like.

Copy the title and the artist on the top of the page.

Use the PDF handout as a guide to research the answers to the 10 questions on the Internet. Jot the answers down on the page, no need for complete sentences.

MOST IMPORTANT: Write down your answers to the last two: What is your opinion of the piece? and Is it art, and why?

ASSIGNMENT 2: Portrait Drawing (Feature by Feature)

This assignment has several parts. First, you will watch a YouTube tutorial. Then, you will complete three drawings of each facial feature. You can practice in your sketchbook, but you must complete the assignment on the paper provided in the boxes. For your own features, you can take a photo of a close up of your nose, for example, and draw from that. Or, you can use a small mirror. For the feature of a classmate, you can draw any friend or family member if you are at home.

Part 1: Mouth

Watch the following YouTube link:  (7:01 min) how to draw lips for beginners - easy way

Draw the feature as exactly as you can using the guidance and steps the artist has provided. Your drawing should look like the one on screen.

Next, draw your own mouth from a photo on your phone or using a small mirror. Make it a true to life size, not smaller!

After that, draw another person's mouth. Same expectations apply. Really try to get the shapes and shadows as you see them.

Part 2: Nose

Watch the following YouTube link:  (8:03 how to draw noses - 8th grade human face unit)

Draw the feature as exactly as you can using the guidance and steps the artist has provided. Your drawing should look like the one on screen.

Next, draw your own nose from a photo on your phone or using a small mirror. Make it a true to life size, not smaller!

After that, draw another person's nose. Same expectations apply. Really try to get the shapes and shadows as you see them.

Part 3: Eye

Watch the following YouTube links: (8:14) how to draw eyes 8th grade human faces unit

(11:24) how to shade eyes 8th grade human faces unit

Draw the feature as exactly as you can using the guidance and steps the artist has provided. Your drawing should look like the one on screen.

Next, draw your own eye from a photo on your phone or using a small mirror. Make it a true to life size, not smaller!

After that, draw another person's eye. Same expectations apply. Really try to get the shapes and shadows as you see them.

Part 4: Ear

Watch the following YouTube links: (4:30) how to draw a realistic ear

(10:03) how to draw ears

Draw the feature as exactly as you can using the guidance and steps the artist has provided. Your drawing should look like the one on screen.

Next, draw your own ear from a photo on your phone or using a small mirror. Make it a true to life size, not smaller!

After that, draw another person's ear. Same expectations apply. Really try to get the shapes and shadows as you see them.



ASSIGNMENT 3: 9-Line Self-Portrait

Now that you have learned all the features of the face, you will draw a picture of yourself.

1) Using the 9-Line paper provided in your portfolio, place the 8 x 11 white paper on top and secure with a paperclip.

2) Looking at a mirror, or a picture you have taken of yourself with your phone, draw what you look like.

NOTES: Make sure you look at the 9-Line paper underneath to make sure your freatures are in the correct lines to get the proportions accurate. Eg. eyes on line 5, face is large enough to go from lines 9 to 1, you have left enough room for hair, etc. Good Luck!

ASSIGNMENT 4: Calligraphy Booklets, Italic and Gothic

This is a new unit, which is based on the ancient at of writing called Calligraphy. Your portfolio will contain the new tools and papers you need for the unit, two booklets and a calligraphy marker. 


1) Look at the photo to see how to hold your pen.

2) See also the beautiful calligraphy done by a former grade 9 student.

3) Making sure that you are holding your pen at the correct angle, 45 degrees, and that you are using the WIDE TIP of the pen, practice a few strokes or your name on a piece of paper. If you are holding the pen right, your letters will go from thick to thin, which means you have achieved a beautiful calligraphic line.

4) Now try the Italic letter style (font). In your booklet, practice each upper case letter three times and each lower case letter five times, or more.  Go for it!

5) Once you are successful with Italic, try the Gothic letter style booklet in the same way.

6) Which letter style do you prefer? Make sure to hand your portfolio and booklets in for marking.

ASSIGNMENT 5: Watercolour Colour Test

After the first Teams Meeting Art Class, you have listened to my tips and tricks and tool suggestions for painting with watercolour paint. If you need another reminder, read the note inside your portfolio to see what you need. REMEMBER: Conserve your paint by NOT squeezing the tubes! A simple touch to the palette should give you enough paint for this activity. See the image below for a suggestion for setting up your sketchbook with a grid to fill in with the 24 colours and their English names, spelled correctly beside the colour. Please leave a space in between so your colours stay clean and don't bleed together. Design it any size or format you like, but make sure to do it in your sketchbook since the fancy paper is for other activities. Have some fun with these excellent quality rich colours!

IMG_0631 (1).JPG

After you have painted, you must hand it in for me to mark. You can do this two ways: either take a photo and email it to me, or drop the sketchbook off at the office by Friday, Jan 11. (NAME must be on it!)

Activity Prep for ASSIGNMENT 6:


Attached is a video link for my private YouTube channel that is very important for you to watch and do before you can start ASSIGNMENT 6.

You will need:  

templates handout

taped piece of watercolour paper




After you prepare the first sheet with the circles, prepare the other one as well.


You will need to use masking tape and tape the other watercolour paper to a page in your sketchbook, but don't rip it out!

Use the link to access the video I made myself (!!) in order to prep for the next assignment.

ASSIGNMENT 6: Watercolour Techniques

In this assignment, you are going to learn some interesting paint techniques that work best with this kind of paint.  You will be following along with my lessons, where I will demonstrate the techniques. Then, you will practice each technique on the special paper provided in your portfolio. After your papers have dried thoroughly, you will cut each one out and glue them onto the Watercolour Techniques page with all the circles. This lesson will take several class sessions and plenty of independent work time.

DEMO 1: 

In this lesson, I will show you how to paint using these three techniques:

-wet on dry


-wet on wet

View the PDF's on the side for defintions and samples of what they are supposed to look like.


In this lesson, I will show you how to paint using these three techniques:

-flat wash

-gradated wash


View the PDF's on the side for defintions and samples of what they are supposed to look like.

EXPLORE ON YOUR OWN: If this is going a little slow for you, and you're thinking: "I wish she'd just let me paint already!" here's a suggestion for getting started on your own: 

search YouTube for watercolour technique videos to try. Avoid the ones that focus on do's and don'ts or the ones that ask you to paint something specific, like a bird. Use the keyword "techniques" and practice in your sketchbook, NOT the watercolour papers I gave you...those are for Assignment 6. Explore and have some FUN!


In this lesson, I will show you how to paint using these three techniques:

-paper towel

-cling film

-wax resist

View the PDF's on the side for defintions and samples of what they are supposed to look like.

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